Create Your Own Event Schedule, Reserve Your Seat, And Just Attend

Make it simple for attendees to find the sessions they want to attend with session categorization. Allow them to reserve their place and join a session in-person or remotely. 

Give Your Attendees 4 Ways To Attend The Sessions They Want

Just Attend supports up to 4 different ways your attendees can join the sessions they want. Extend your event to attendees of all types all over the world.


Allow attendees to reserve their in-person seat at sessions. Monitor session popularity against room capacity. Move sessions to larger rooms ahead of time. 

Hybrid Join

Extend your attendee audience with hybrid. Live stream your in-person sessions to Youtube or Vimeo and enable remote attendees to participate alongside in-person attendees.

Virtual Presentations

Go fully virtual and create online only virtual presentations using your existing meeting or broadcast software such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google.

On Demand

Record your sessions and upload them to Vimeo or Youtube and add them to your session listing so that attendees who missed them can catch up after your event. 

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Categorize Sessions

List hundreds of sessions and make them easy to find by attendee interest using categories to define topic and expertise level.

Enable attendees to search by topic, expertise, speaker, or keyword. 

Provide deeper explanations of topics using category descriptions.

Reserve Seating

Allow registered attendees to reserve their seat at the sessions they’re interested in. 

Distinguish between in-person and virtual attendees. Set limits on the seats available to match your room and technology capacities.

Each attendee will receive a calendar invite to their registered email account that will remind them when their session is about to begin.

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Record Attendances

Knowing who attended sessions is important. Using the Just Attend mobile app you can scan attendees into in-person sessions.

For virtual attendees you can also report on who clicked to join a virtual presentation and who played a live stream or on-demand video and how long they watched them for.

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Leave Feedback

A good friend of ours once said “Good feedback is useless”. Without constructive feedback we cannot improve.

Automatically encourage session feedback on sessions the attendee has participated in. Capture their sentiment on the content and the speaker.

Enable the speaker to view their session feedback and automatically rate them.

Download Presentations

Allow speakers to update their session abstracts and upload their presentation in PowerPoint or PDF format.

Once uploaded, registered attendees are able to download them and you can track the downloads in your event reporting.

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Why Choose Just Attend For Your Event Scheduling

You Keep Your Ticket Revenue

Integration with your Stripe account means that you keep all your ticket revenue upfront.

Cheaper Than Other Platforms

Just Attend is cheaper than other platforms offering this service and offers more value for money than any other.

Onsite & Remote Badging

We offer onsite badge printing and postal services for your event, making Just Attend a true end to end registration platform.

Integrated Invoicing & Accounting

Generate invoices for attendees, handle full or partial refunds, and intergrate with your accounting software.

Discounts & Loyalty Schemes

Offer discounts with promotional coupons and automatic loyalty discounts based on previous attendances.

Multiple Tickets

Create multiple tickets with access restrictions based on event day, sessions, and attendee type.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use virtual or on-demand sessions at my in-person event?

Yes. When you create an in-person event it is automatically compatible with hybrid events.

You can offer a wide range of sessions 

  1. Pre-recorded sessions that are set to premiere at a scheduled time.

  2. Live broadcasts that are scheduled to go live at a scheduled time.

  3. Interactive presentations using your existing video conferencing solution such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Gate access to these with Just Attend registration.

  4. On demand sessions that you may have recorded and post event want to publish. You can continue to sell tickets to your on demand content event when your event date has passed.
How do you control access to virtual sessions?

If you’re using video conferencing software such as Teams or Zoom, create your meetings in the normal way and copy the meeting join link.

In Just Attend, create the session, choose the type as a virtual session and paste in the meeting join link.

The join link is only visible and clickable to registered attendees 5 minutes before the session is due to begin.

It is not shown to unregistered viewers.

For live broadcast or pre-recorded sessions, upload your video or stream to Youtube or Vimeo and unlist them. Paste the sharable video link to your session and the video screen will automatically show and play when the session start time has arrived.

Can I make my on demand videos public?

By default, on demand videos require a registration to your event. 

It is your choice whether you want to continue to sell on demand access to new attendees or make them public.

You can make all videos public or just some enabling you to curate a free and premium access subscription.

What happens if more attendees reserve their seat than there is capacity?

We don’t stop reservations if your room capacity has been reached. We do alert you in the admin portal that a room is potentially oversubscribed.

This gives you the opportunity to move the session to a larger room if possible.

You can enforce capacity management on a room if needed. If enabled, once the number of reservations equals the capacity of the room, no more reservations can be made until some are freed up.

What happens if I change a session time or room and there are reservations?

When an attendee reserves their seat at a session, they are also sent a calendar invite to their registered email address with the date and time of the session.

If this changes after they have reserved their place, they are sent a calendar update for that session so that it moves on their calendar to the new date and time.

Please choose a date and time for your demo