Create New Business Connections And Friendships By Networking With Like Minded People

Enable your attendees to find other people with similar business interests who are attending your event. Let them reach out and create a connection that could last a lifetime. 

The Majority Of Business Partnerships Begin With A Chance Meeting

Increase your attendee’s chances of finding their next business deal by giving them the ability to find and connect with like-minded people at your event.

You're In Control Of Your Data

We reduce the amount of connection request spam by changing the way connections are made. Rather than the initiator requesting your connection, they send you their digital business card.

Spontaneous Connection

Meet someone by chance at an event, get into deep discussions, and want to continue them? Quickly scan the badge of your acquaintance to send them your digital business card.

Proactive Connection

Use the Just Attend mobile app to search for like-minded people who will be attending the same event by name, job title, company name, or interest type. Send them your digital business card with a note to say ‘hi’.

Meeting people

Share Your Digital Business Card

You're In Control Of Your Data


Scan Or Swipe To Share

Add To Your Contacts

make friends

Create Enhanced Events You Never Thought Where Possible

Buy Tickets
Create multiple access tickets to your event. Sell upgrades and add-ons, offer discounts and loyalty schemes.
Engage With Exhibitors
Browse all exhibitors participating, read about what they offer, watch videos, download brochures, and connect with their team.
Build Your Own Agenda
Browse all the sessions available at an event. Find the ones you want to attend and add them to your personal agenda.
Discover All About Your Event
Attending an event can be daunting, especially if you've never been before. Access all the information you need.
Leave Feedback
Let speakers and organizers know how you rate their sessions and event with instant feedback using the mobile app.

Why Choose Just Attend For Your Event Ticketing

You Keep Your Ticket Revenue

Integration with your Stripe account means that you keep all your ticket revenue upfront.

Cheaper Than Other Platforms

Just Attend is cheaper than other platforms offering this service and offers more value for money than any other.

Onsite & Remote Badging

We offer onsite badge printing and postal services for your event, making Just Attend a true end to end registration platform.

Integrated Invoicing & Accounting

Generate invoices for attendees, handle full or partial refunds, and intergrate with your accounting software.

Discounts & Loyalty Schemes

Offer discounts with promotional coupons and automatic loyalty discounts based on previous attendances.

Multiple Tickets

Create multiple tickets with access restrictions based on event day, sessions, and attendee type.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is connection sharing available to everyone?

Yes, each attendee will need to use the Just Attend mobile app to make a connection.

Will exhibitors think they're being disadvantaged?

No. Exhibitors can scan badges to receive an attendee’s profile information.

Connection sharing is all about you sharing your basic contact information with someone else.

When you’re talking to an exhibitor they are trying to discover if there is an opportunity to do business. If there is, they will request they scan your badge. You consent and they receive your contact details along with any other profile enriched data you’ve agreed to. The onus is now on them to contact you post event to work on that opportunity and relationship with you.

Business card sharing is different. You are talking to someone during a networking section of the event. You discover some synergies and want to share your contact details with them. You scan their badge, or find them in the app and send them you business card. You don’t automatically get their details in return. They control that, but they get to see yours.

If the sharing remains one-way, then the onus is on them to contact you. 

What information is shared on the digital business card?

Limited information is shown that is not dissimilar to a paper business card.

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Job title
  • Company name

No other information is shared or configurable.

Can I send a message or chat with a connection?

Once you have shared your business card or received one, you can use your own messaging tools to contact that person.

Do you have a public forum for general discussions?

We don’t have any public message board / social networking features like facebook. 

We have attended many events that try to adopt this open forum technology within their event app and found it to be of little use or benefit to the attendee experience.

They tend to be abused with spam adverts by over zealous exhibitors or attendees trying to advertise their products and services. Attendees receive so many notifications and messages that they just turn them off or delete the app.

We want to make the attendee experience as clean and easy as possible. 

Of course, if you want this type of functionality for your event, there are platforms that can provide this such as Circle Social 

We integrate with Circle to automatically invite your attendees to your Circle network. This way you can control your social network and build on it beyond the event rather than being locked into a single event social experience.

Please choose a date and time for your demo