Bilingual Event Management System – Improving Diversity & Inclusion At Events

We are pleased to announce that we’re launching multilingual support for our event management platform. From January 2025 you will be able to manage your event in any language.

Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi ein bod yn lansio cefnogaeth amlieithog ar gyfer ein platfform rheoli digwyddiadau. O Ionawr 2025 ymlaen, byddwch yn gallu rheoli eich digwyddiad yn unrhyw iaith.

As our platform is increasingly being adopted in multiple countries it is important that our global clients and their attendees don’t feel like second class citizens in their own country. Therefore, we’re enabling event organizers to create multilingual events on our platform.

Wrth i’n platfform gael ei fabwysiadu fwyfwy mewn gwahanol wledydd, mae’n bwysig nad yw ein cleientiaid byd-eang a’u mynychwyr yn teimlo fel dinasyddion eilradd yn eu gwlad eu hunain. Felly, rydym yn galluogi trefnwyr digwyddiadau i greu digwyddiadau amlieithog ar ein platfform.

Bilingual event management system in Welsh

To celebrate this milestone we are launching bilingual support for the Welsh language. Our founder, Mark Vale was born in North Wales and has deep Welsh roots. Therefore, it is only right that our first translation for our event platform is Welsh.

I ddathlu’r garreg filltir hon, rydym yn lansio cefnogaeth ddwyieithog ar gyfer yr iaith Gymraeg. Cafodd ein sylfaenydd, Mark Vale, ei eni yng Ngogledd Cymru ac mae ganddo wreiddiau Cymreig dwfn. Felly, mae’n gwbl briodol mai’r Gymraeg yw’r cyfieithiad cyntaf ar gyfer ein platfform digwyddiadau.

We will be adding more translations in quick succession following on from Welsh, Swedish, then Spanish to suit our existing client base. After these more and more will be added.

Manage Events In Your Own Language

When you create your event you will be able to choose the default language of your event on our platform.

If you select Welsh for example, whenever anyone navigates to your event portal, all text will show in Welsh. They will have the option to select alternative languages from the language settings in the event portal.

Select your local language to browse the event information in.

Once selected, the user will be able to navigate the site completely in their own language. All transaction emails, for example, ticket emails will also be sent in their selected language providing them and end to end experience in their native tongue.

AI Language Translations

For dynamic content such as session abstracts and event information, you will be able to use our AI translation tool that will translate your content into the languages you need.

For example, if you write all your content in Welsh, you can use the AI translation to translate this to English or vice versa.

We know that computer based translation is not always accurate, so any translations will be editable by you, so you can override any grammatical or contextual errors before you publish.

Multilingual Call for Content

If your event offers call for content / call for papers, prospective speakers will be able to submit their session proposals in their native language.

For example, if a speaker’s native language is Welsh, they will be able to submit their content in Welsh even if they’re viewing the site in English.

When they save their submission, we will automatically detect the language used in the submission and convert it to English for content review. In the conference admin portal, you’ll see the submission in its original language and the English conversion.

We hope this will allow speakers where their primary language is not English to have a fairer chance at being selected for a speaking session.

We are committed to ensuring all our clients and attendees feel integrated and at home at your event and this small change to our platform we hope will have a big impact to improving inclusion at events.

Ready to begin your next event?

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