We’re very pleased to announce some awesome new features to Just Attend that have been released so far this year.
These features are available for you to use in your events right now!
Just Attend is a multi-event platform that enables you to run multiple events at the same time, each self-contained behind a dedicated web link. Until now, each of these events require you to setup your company information for invoicing and branding separately as well as add your team to manage the event.
We’re pleased to introduce you to Organizations! Organizations allow you to create business units to host your events within. Organizations allow you to centralize multiple events together that share a common brand and business information as well as enabling you to assign your team members to the organization.
Within an organization you can create multiple brand identities and assign them to the relevant events. When you need to make a branding change, simply change the branding theme and instantly all your events are updated across the web platform and mobile app.
If you’re a large media company or event agency, you can create multiple organizations for each of your client’s or business entities. You can then delegate the administration of events within each organization to the required event admins.
We’re pleased to announce a new program open to event agencies, event planners, and event suppliers. Wouldn’t it be great if you could offer your customers a single event platform as part of your service offering?
Imagine being able to standardize your services and consistently deliver excellent events time and time again. Imagine being so in control that you can take on more customers without increasing your head count!
Why not partner with us and make Just Attend part of your event toolkit? Together we will transform the event industry and save our event organizers from endless sleepless nights trying (and failing) to become a spreadsheet ninja!
Aside from our awesome event platform that will just make your life easier and bolster your service proposition, giving you an unfair advantage over your competition, what’s in it for you?
Sound good? Send us an email if you’d like to join us!
Many of our customers rely on the support and generosity of volunteers to help them manage their event. To support them we’ve released a new volunteer module that allows you to publish your call for volunteers on the event platform.
When enabled you’ll be able to list the possible tasks you need assistance with and also what benefits people will receive if they do decide to sign up.
You’ll also be able to offer tickets for them to register, control their agenda to assign them to specific tasks, and promote their involvement through the mobile app and web platform by highlighting them to your attendees.
Ticket categories allow you to guide attendees to the tickets you want them to register for based on who the attendee is. For example, you might run an event in a university and need students studying a finance major to register for a particular ticket(s) and students studying business marketing major to register for another ticket or you run an association event where you have members and non-members.
Creating a ticket category gives the attendee a better starting point when choosing their ticket. Instead of seeing all tickets on the ticket registration page leaving them wondering which ticket to pick, they are met with a grid of ticket categories that help them understand which journey they need to take.
There are times when you might need to re-run the same session multiple times throughout your event, perhaps because you have a seating capacity issue or you have multiple rotations.
It is now possible to group duplicate sessions together using session groups. When editing a session, simply assign it to a session group and the system will treat all sessions within the group as one logical session with multiple time options.
You’ll still need to create each repeating session individually because they may be in different rooms with different seating capacity or have different speakers and you can schedule them in exactly the same way.
When attendees go to book onto a session that has multiple time options, they will be able to select which time suits them best.
When used in conjunction with room capacity restriction enforcement, attendees will only see available time options for sessions with space to book on to.
This feature allows you to create an automation rule that is triggered on the purchase of a specific ticket(s), or ticket categories to add prescribed sessions to the attendee’s personal agenda.
For example, maybe you want all attendees to attend an event keynote. Wouldn’t it be great to add the keynote automatically to their agenda so they don’t miss it?
Perhaps a more complicated example is you’re running an event whereby if an attendee purchases a specific ticket, they must go to a specific set of sessions. In our university example, perhaps the finance student must go to 3 sessions dedicated to the finance subject.
Each rule can have multiple triggers and multiple actions. You can prioritize the actions to ensure the most important sessions get added to their agenda first with subsequent sessions getting added if there is available space on their agenda.
You can use automations to send your attendee registrations to your CRM and e-mail marketing tool via a webhook.
By using the automation action ‘send to webhook’ you can connect Just Attend to your Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate platform and create low-code integrations to move registration data from our platform and into other systems as attendee’s register.
If you use our badge printing service or software and your attendees have less than 10 sessions on their agenda, you can now print their personalized agenda onto their event ID badge. This is printed in real-time as the badge is produced onsite using the latest session list registered against their account.
Unique Attendees
Sessions Delivered
Exhibitor Leads Generated